You can download the song here at the Sjonni's Friends website and watch the videoclip.
Their Eurovision song Coming Home was written by the late Sjonni Brink and his wife Þórunn Erna Clausen and will be performed in the Tuesday May 10 semi final.
Update: Til Hamingju Ísland!
Sjonni's Friends made it to the Eurovision final on March 14! After an exiting result-draw the last finalist announced was Iceland. Congratulations guys!
source: Coming Home - Sjonni's Friends website
More about Sjonni's Friends here at the Düsseldorf Collection.
More about Johnny Logans first winner at the Eurocovers post What's Another 30 Years: Here.
Ready Steady Girls
With Eurovision round the corner I was invited to select my pick of the pops, six sixties girl tracks with a Eurovision connection. And write a bit about them too.
Please take a look here at Ready Steady Girls and vote for your favorite.
Düsseldorf 2011
For all release info, versions and chart adventures of the 2011 Eurovision stars, please check the Düsseldorf Collection.