Then the long wait starts....
With all the new stars it's busy busy busy at Eurocovers headquarters and I don't really have the time for in-depth dissections of Eurocovers artists and their discographies right now.
So here's just a few lovely ones I got recently.

Mary Ann (U.K. 1979). Not covered very much, but Ragnar Kuusk & Agrofon from Estonia did. From a real MC.
成吉思汉 - 张碟. Another fabulous cover of Dschinghis Khan (Germany 1979) by some kid named Joshua. I think it's sung in Cantonese, correct me if I'm wrong.
The Oslo Collection: Latest News

Ukraine: Goodbye Vasyl, Aloysha breaks the rules *** Belgium: Tom charts in 2 countries! *** 2010 Promoconcert *** France: *** Belarus: new song selected *** Russia: Peter Nalitch, listen *** Azerbaijan: It's Drip Drop *** Switzerland: new Video *** Serbia: This is the Balkans *** Sweden: Anna Bergendahl wins MF ***Germany: Satellite - Lena Meyer-Landrut, cdsingle news ***Greece : Opa - Giorgos Alkaios*** United Kingdom: Josh Dubovie gets the Waterman song*** Netherlands: Sieneke to Oslo, cdsingle coverversions galore ***