The song mixes the sentiments of and old Russian folksong with the coolness of the Buena Vistas. See the video here.
Romanca can be found on their new album Zemlja pleše which also includes a coverversion of Bila Je Tako Lijepa, originally Elle Etait Si Jolie, Alain Barrieres 1963 entry for France.
The Kraljevi Ulice album is distributed by MenArt records.
In the Eurocovers post about Pekinška Patka & Dragan Stojnić you can find find out more about Bila Je Tako Lijepa and hear two older Balkan covers of the song.

In Sweden Maia Hirasawa has reissued her acclaimed CD Though, I'm Just Me. The new version has some bonus tracks including a stunning coverversion of last years Swedish glam entry by The Ark: The Worrying Kind.
She performed the song in the interval of this years Swedish Melodifestivalen final.
(CD on BAM / Razzia-0-77)
You can see Maia 'rocking' the Globen with the song at this Youtube.

The single is released in Japan on three formats. A regular cdsingle which also includes the instrumental version, a DVD single and a limited edition CD with two versions and a making of video. (Piccolo Town records)
It's available from CDJapan
See Berryz Koubou's fun version in this Youtube