On Sineads MySpace there's a Eurocover: It's a demo of the 2005 Irish entry Love? originally by Donna & Joe.
Help Wanted:Do You Know This Love Is Blue?
Here's a question from a Eurocovers reader. I have been probing my Love Is Blue collection but I haven't found any version that matches the description. Can You Help?
" I'm looking for a single (45 rpm) from around 1967-1970 . One one side it had L'amour est Bleu with vocals in FRENCH. I believe theorchestration was by Paul Mariat's orchestra. It may have have been a male vocalist who sort of spoke and whispered the song in French.
I know it wasn't Vicky Leandros or Claudine Longete or Michèle Torr.
I have been looking endlessly. Have you ever heard of this single?"Does anyone out there have a suggestion?, please leave a comment or e-mail

One of the MLTR members co wrote Kun Med Dig, the Danish 1996 entry that was eliminated in the pre-eliminary audio round (There was a closed selection to get rid of the excess entries in 1996, 7 countries saw their song axed, all the work in vain)
They recorded Kun Med Dig themselves as Paint My Love which became one of their signature songs.
Michael Learns To Rock Homepage
MySpace VolaresHere's a variety of new Volares on MySpace, all these guys deserve a visit, but listen at your own risk!

Marcello Zitti - OAP rule!
Cabarock - me like!
Patrick Mittiga - oooh →
Sing Swing
Johnny Brachizio - smooth instrumental
Duo Simo Pao
Spaghetti Style - Big Swing
Triki Trak Band - more swing
SexBomba - Polish Punk
Vic Latino - fromage
Triviani Swing
Mo'Better Band - Brass
Hammond Big band - Groovy

For those interested in the releases and the latest news of/on the impending Eurovision Song Contest I have created a new blog: The Moscow Collection.
Here you can find all the latest release info and all details on versions, remixes, promos etcetera. Official links, where to hear the new songs and where you can buy the latest CDs, it's all there.
The new blog replaces the yearly word documents (like the Belgrade Collection and so on). Go check it out now!.