And now I read the news at Songfestivalweblog that the lyricist who wrote the De Troubadour with Lenny Kuhr, David Hartsema died last Saturday.
Hartsema wrote over 900 songs and poems in Dutch, Groningan, Frysian, English and French. He wrote most lyrics for Lenny Kuhr debut LP and he was an avid supporter of the Groningan language. He worked many years with Liane Abeln, who is one of the most prolific singers in the Groningan language. He also was a painter and a woodsculptor.
David Hartsema was 84
(sources Songfestivalweblog, RTV noord, Streektaalmuziek all in Dutch)
Below there's a new live version of De Troubadour I found on Youtube. It's Lenny Kuhr with Ralph Rousseau and Frans de Berg from their new theatre show Troubadours Van Alle Tijden (Troubadours of all times)