Originally Yo Soy Aquel, written by Manuel Alejandro, was performed by Raphael, Spanish legend and probably the biggest voice in Spanish Pop ever. He took Yo Soy Aquel to a 7th place and improved on that result a year later with Hablemos del Amor (6th).
Yo Soy Aquel's longevity is proven againby it's current successes in South America, where the song is hot and several artists have revived it for use in Telenovela's, Footie compilations and Idols performances.

Short stop in Chile for another telenovela: Longhi's big rock ballad version graced the soundtrack of the Chilean TV series Hippie from 2004.
Brasil delivers a version in Portuguese, Eu sou aquele, by Os Anjos, from the tv series Vingança. With a leading role for Love Actually actress Lúcia Moniz, better known as the singer with the best ever Eurovision result for Portugal (6th in 1996). Vingança is the Portuguese version of Montecristo, aired in Brasil and Portugal. I haven't found a studio version of the Os Anjos version in Portuguese yet but it's all over Youtoop.
Other versions of Yo Soy Aquel recorded this century are by Luis Ramirez y Ray de la paz, Sabroso (Argentina), Apnea (Spain), Horris Kamoi, El King (Argentina), Bambú (rap with samples), Cumbia Zero (Mexico), Juanon Lucero (Argentina), and the Orquesta Simfonica Barcelona I Nacional Catalunya.
There are three versions of Yo Soy Aquel I'm especially looking for, if anyone can help it would be wholeheartedly appreciated.
Manuel Alejandro - The version by the original composer that was released on a spanish EP Disco Sorpresa Fundador Canciones Favoritas.
Kenny Damon (UK) - Only your love - Could even be in Spanish and a minor airplay hit in the UK in the 60's.
Martha Strada (Cuba) - a 60's recording from the album Martha Strada - Las voces del siglo - Abrazame fuerte
bolzoni / bolzoni - gerardo / gerardo - el andy club / el andy club
- longhi / longhi