Rock 'n' Roll dansband The Playtones are in the third heat of the Swedish pre-selection Melodifestivalen with their song The King.
(update: Yay!, they made it to the Final)
(another update: The King ended 5th in the final, but the Rock 'n' Roll is King album enters the Swedish album charts at #1 in week 11)
(update: Yay!, they made it to the Final)
(another update: The King ended 5th in the final, but the Rock 'n' Roll is King album enters the Swedish album charts at #1 in week 11)
Below video is The Playtones’ live coverversion of the 2009 Eurovision winner Fairytale (Alexander Rybak).
The Playtones released their Fairytale on the CD Rock 'n'Roll Dance Party which is the best selling album of 2010 in Sweden.
Their next album Rock ‘n’ Roll Is King will be out on March 9 and will of course include their Melodifestivalen entry.
The Playtones website
SVTs Melodifestivalen pages
That Dansband schlager is extremely popular in Sweden today is confirmed again by this week’s #1 on the album charts: Elisa’s debut album Det Här Är Bara Början
It features a feisty coverversion of Tusen Och En Natt, Swedens 1999 winner Take Me To Your Heaven by Charlotte Nilsson (Perrelli)
Elisa‘s website
The King
Brylcreem and Eurovision, do they gel?
The last time someone 'slightly' referred to Elvis it was a bit of a total disaster.
Read about that one (Copycat) and other Eurovision Rock 'n' Roll efforts here at Eurocovers.
Turkey - Yüksek Sadakat
Lithuania - Mino
Finland - Milana Misic
For the latest on the 2011 songs and releases please check out the Düsseldorf Collection.
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