Germany 12 points is something we don't hear that often. So Eurovision fan Donato Plögert wrote a song about it. Please, Vote For Me (Even if I'm from Germany) is out now through all your favourite digitessen.
I moved up the 2019 Donato Plögert post about his Eurocovers album (see below video).
Here's the Eurovers post about Donato Plögert's Eurovision covers album.
A Song can
be a bridge, Eurovision fans know that. Die-hard Eurocovers fans also know
Donato Plögert, the German singer, actor, entertainer, multi-talent whose
German language versions of Eurovision Cult classics have earned him a loyal following
among fans.
Now the hardest working man in German theater has released a digital album with all of his Eurovision coverversions to date and a few we haven't heard before.
From the
first ones from his 1996 album Eins Blieb Ungesagt up to his version of the
first Portuguese winner Amar Pelos Dois titled Mein Herz Schlägt Für Zwei. This man loves Eurovision.
That last
one may have been a winner, but Donato Plögerts selections are mostly lesser
known fan favorites including some that didn’t do too well at Eurovision (Willeke says hi).
To be fair, there is quite a bit of Drama and some are an acquired taste. The album can
certainly not be accused of relying on the easy boom bang-a-bangy Eurovision
classics. It's great these songs get a second chance in life.
2003 cdsingle Verliebt wie noch nie |
The album
is titled Ein Lied Kann Eine Brücke Sein (Vom Grand Prix De La
Chanson Zum Song Contest) and is out now through digital sources.
It includes
19 Eurovision songs, five Preselection songs and a bonus track.
This is a
digital album, but many songs have appeared on some of his 15+ albums and over
20 singles. Below is the tracklist with some details on Plögerts first
CD releases so if you really don’t like digital music you can try to hunt
these down.
But for the
rest of us, have a listen at your streamers of buy the songs from your favorite
Here are
the tracks and some info.
01. Wunder gibt es immer wieder - Germany 1970 (Katja
02. Kleines
Kind - Malta 1992 (Little child - Mary Spiteri)
03. Zeit im Traum - Iceland 1987 (Haegt og hljott -
Halla Margret)
--- From Plögert’s
first CD Eins Blieb Ungesagt (1996, Red Clouds 2501)
04. Rhapsodie - Italy 1992 (Rapsodia - Mia Martini)
--- From 1997
CD Wenn Ich Nur Wüsste
05. Versuch's mal mit mir - Denmark 2005 (Talking to
you - Jacob Sveistrup)
--- From a
cdsingle from 2006 (Donato Plögert Musik DPM 003)
06. Im Lauf
der Zeit - France 2002 (Il faut du temps - Sandrine François)
--- From a
2003 cdsingle also including track 24 below (QED QSV 296)
07. Ich liebe dich - Germany (Preselection 1975, Katja Ebstein)
08. Wo ist das Licht? - The Netherlands 1994
(Waar is de zon - Willeke Alberti)
--- From the CD Sowas Vergisst Man
Nicht! (1999, Pool Berlin 65253)
09. Was
wird aus mir? - Slovenia 1995 (Prisluhni mi - Darja Svajger)
--- From his
first CD Eins Blieb Ungesagt (1996, Red Clouds 2501) also including the
Italian version (track 22 below).
10. Frauen regier'n die Welt - Germany 2007 (Roger
11. Als ob du bei mir bist - Netherlands (Preselection 1998, Alsof je bij me bent - Nurlaila)
12. Liebe, sie bleibt - Sweden 1998 (Kärleken är -
Jill Johnson)
--- From digital single Liebe lässt sich nie verbieten (2016)
13. Ein Lied kann eine Brücke sein - Germany 1975 (Joy
14. Ewiges
Licht - (Preselection 1996, Eternal love - Alfred Rapa)
--- From Plögerts
first CD Eins Blieb Ungesagt (1996, Red Clouds 2501)
15. Mein Herz liebt für zwei - Portugal 2017 (Amar
pelos dois - Salvador Sobral)
--- from the CD Banane (2017)
16. Und wenn der Tag beginnt - Spain 1989 (Nacida para
amar - Nina)
--- from the CD Sowass Vergisst Man Nicht! (1999, Pool Berlin
Verliebt wie noch nie - Norway 2003 (I’m not afraid to move on - Jostein
--- Two
versions of this song can be found on a cdsingle from 2003 (QED QSV 326)
18. Ich bin Mensch wie du - Cyprus 1994 (Ime
anthropos ki egos - Evridiki)
--- from the
2000 cdsingle Die Frau In Ihm (Town DTM 01485)
19. Im Wartesaal zum großen Glück - Germany 1956
(Walter Andreas Schwarz)
--- from the
CD Sowass Vergisst Man Nicht! (1999, Pool Berlin 65253)
20. Und das
nennst du leben - Malta (Preselection 1999, The right time - Lawrence
--- From the album Ich Bin Geboren Um Zu Leben, 2015, digital)
21. Zwei
kleine Italiener - Germany 1962 (Conny Froboess)
22. Sempre cosi - Slovenia 1995 - Italian Version
--- From his
first CD Eins Blieb Ungesagt (1996, Red Clouds 2501)
23. Mich jibt's nur in Berlin - Italy 1991 (Comme e’ddoce’o
mare - Peppino di Capri)
--- CD Mittenmang
(Berlin für Anfänger und Unersättliche) (2004, Rampenlicht 220026)
24. Fuego de amor - Malta (Preselection 1996, Eternal love -
Alfred Rapa, Spanish)
25. Sing ein Lied (für Europa)! - Bonustrack
Links and
Thanks to
Frank! Thanks to Rick!
The 10.000
coverversions project