It's another multi round elimination fest and this week round two sees a Eurovision ánd Eurocovers veterienne taking the stage.
Wenche Myhre is a Norwegian singer but she represented Germany in 1968 with Ein Hoch Der Liebe. The song written by orchestra leader Horst Jankovski and Carl Schäuble ended 6th.
Ein Hoch Der Liebe is a nice slice of Schlager-Pop like they just don't make anymore.
Wenche (Wencke) Myhre recorded the song in German, Norwegian (pic) and Swedish.
She also entered national finals in Norway in 1964, 1966 and 1992, and in Germany in 1983.
Wenche Myhre Eurocovers.
Wenche Myhre recorded a German version of the not very successful 1980 Greek song Autostop. Originally by soon to be superstar Anna Vissi (Άννα Βίσση). Vissi's Autostop promo single is one of the rarest promo's in the Eurovision collecting universe although it has recently been re-released on cdsingle. It's a typical Eurovision song and careful thought was invested to find a title and theme that would appeal to an international audience (Autostop = Hitchhiking). It backfired and ended 13th. Anna Vissi would return in 1982 (for Cyprus) and 2006 (for Greece).

Do Re Mi is a bit silly too, but it's kind of endearing an not as annoying as the Sound Of Music song of the same title. Wenches Do Re Mi can be found on the LP/CD Vi Lever, the first ever CD by a Norwegian artist. (source)
I think she also recorded the Yugoslavian 1983 song Julie (Dzuli by Daniel) for a live LP (maybe Wenche On Tour from 1983?) but I have no further details on that.
Since 2004 Wenche Myhre toured and recorded with Eurovision collegues Siw Malkvist & Gitte Haenning and they inevitably had the odd Eurovision medley on their repertoire.
Best Of CDs were also released last year. One in Norway (50 Beste Gjennom 50 år) and one for the German language market. (Das Beste, Hits und Raritäten)
Both include Ein Hoch Der Liebe but no Swedish or Norwegian version (Recordcompanies, will they ever learn?)
Wenche Myhre will perform Alt Har En Mening Nå in the second heat of the Norwegian selection tonight (Saturday 31-01) (details here).
The CD with all songs from this years Norwegian pre-selection songs, Melodi Grand Prix 2009, is already available at BeaRecords. (pic right)
Wenche Myhre homepage (In English, German & Norwegian) and a Discography page
Ein Hoch Der Liebe Youtube
The Road To Moscow 1 - Hera Björk, Tapani Kansa & Nucha
The Road To Moscow 2 - Čuki from Slovenia

I noticed two interesting names in the list for the national selection in Serbia (Beovizija).
One is Lejla Hot, but just because it's a cool name, the other is Đorđe Marjanović. He was featured in last years Belgrade Weeks. His Eurocovers are from the sixties so I was a bit surprise to see him on the shortlist. Oscar & Beauty Queens feat. Đorđe Marjanović will sing Superstar. The Beauty Queens were the backing with the 2007 winner Molitva by Maria Serifovic, and I don't know who Oscar is (See comments, Thanks Never Stop The Europop). I guess one Beauty Queen (who makes up these names?) will have to stay home as six persons on stage is the max limit at the contest.
Đorđe Marjanović is 78, so he's outdating last years 75 cent (Croatian entry) with three years if they get to the Eurovision stage. You can find his Serbian coversversions of Italy 1962 & 1963 here.
Le Weekend
Tonight 31-01 is also the final in Denmark. Eurocovers supports Hera Björk of course (See Road To Moscow 1) but it's a good bunch. You can hear the songs and watch the show here at the DR site. The CD with all song from the Danish final is available at Bea Records soon.
The U.K. has the final episode of Your Country Needs You where the three remaining acts will all sing My Time, the song Andrew Lloyd Webber & Diane Warren composed for Moscow. More info here at the BBC. I say Mark, Webber wants Jade and the British public will probably go for the crybaby Twins. Unfortunately the BBC has (long since) disappeared upon its own British backside and videos are not available outside the U.K.. Are you local?....
Same goes for Finland who have the second chance and final tonight, webcast only for the Finnish (Why?, the Finnish can watch it on TV can't they?) One of the artists is Tapani Kansa (translates as 'not a chance in hel'(sinki) (See Road To Moscow 1).
Check BeaRecords for CDs with the Finnish 2009 songs already available
Romania also has their final tonight and you can watch and listen here.
Sunday 01-02 is the Dutch final with the Toppers. There's a bit about them here at Eurocovers but since that article übertopper Gerard Joling has been replaced by Jeroen Van Der Boom, deminishing the camp-effect by about 90%. They'll do six songs but in a tribute to Russian politics it's already decided that Everyone Can Be A Star will go. (allegedly of course).
Also on Sunday is the final in Slovenia with Čuki (Road to Moscow 2) and Eurovision stars Omar Naber and Karmen Stavec.