In Puppet History this was the week that Sandie Shaw reached the #1 spot in many European charts. Ireland was the first (22-04) with the U.K. following 5 days later. It took Sandie six weeks to get to the top spot.
Anyway, today's Puppet is from Czechoslovakia, but this time it's a version in Slovak. (read your history books).
Eurovision 2007 has a record number of countries participating this year. 42 to be precise, more countries than there even were in Europe 20 years ago.
Some countries haven't been tempted to re-join the Eurovision battlefield, even with the recent surge of new and returning countries. Italy and Luxembourg of course, but also Slovakia. Slovakia entered a few times in the 90's but never with a great result, 4 attempts, 3 times in the final and an measly 18th place in 1998 as the best result.
But now neighbour and friend, the Czech Republic, makes it's Eurovision debut, Slovakia TV may re-consider and join again for 2008.
The Slovak version of Puppet On A String is titled Ako malý psík. It's one of three Eurovision songs covered by singer and actress Tatjana Hubinská. It's my poor knowledge of Slovak and Czech that prevents me from telling you more about her.
There's a website about her here, where I got most of the details below. Unfortunately it's not in English, but it has an excellent discography.
UPDATE : Biography (Thanks to Lou Kash of Funky Czech-In)
As for Hubinská's web site:
She was born 1944 in Paris and returned to Slovakia with her parents in 1946. She studied piano at the Bratislava Conservatory. 1963-1967 she was singing with the Gustáv Offermann Combo. In the late 60s she often participated on the Czechoslovak song contest Bratislavská Lyra. 1968-1969 she sang with the famous Gustav Brom Orchestra with whom she recorded her only album. In the early 70 she began to fade into (C&W) obscurity, by the end of that decade she gave up singing completely. She passed away in 1999.

Tatjana Hubinská's Eurovision Covers
Puppet on a string - UK 1967 - Sandie Shaw
- Ako malý psík (Supraphon 130166)
Boom Bang A Bang - UK 1969 - Lulu
- Hľadám si cieľ (Supraphon 0430795)
Wunder gibt es immer wieder - Germany 1970 - Katja Ebstein
- Zázraky sa dejú stále (Supraphon 0431056)
Ako malý psík was also recorded by Jana Procházková
Many thanks to Rick!
The Year Of The Puppet celebrates the 40 year anniversary of Sandie Shaw's Eurovision victory with Puppet On A String. Introduction to the series in this Eurocovers post.
Other versions already featured are from France, Singapore (Mandarin-Chinese), Jamaica. Yugoslavia, Estonia, U.K. (Comedy), Iceland, Lithuania, USA (Musical), Spain, Brasil, UK punk, Norway (gloom) Norway, Turkey, Portugal, Basque country Organland, Tirol, Denmark, CzechoSlovakia (Czech), Hungary, Russia, Yugoslavia (Slovenia), Chile/Argentina/Mexico, Sweden, Netherlands, Hong Kong, Finland, Scotland, Poland
A list of all coverversions of Puppet On A String is in this word document.
Tip: Here you can watch a Y-tube performance of Lele by Violeta Riaubiskyte from the Lithuanian Puppet On A String post