Please check my e-bay list here (username buzzja). Again, not the utterly rare and spectacular, but maybe some records to fill the gaps in your collection at a decent starting price. And you'll help me make some room for new clutter.

Many moons ago found this Polish version 'Marionetka' on a square flexi disc - Pocztówka Dźwiękowa M 289 - , not a fancy one with a lovely picture like they used to have in Poland, but a plain drab brown affair.
I didn't really know the song that was on it (although the composers mentioned should have been a giveaway), so I was surprised to find a Polish version of Puppet On A String ruining my record needle.
I couldn't play it without the song jumping back all the time, but it was a delight in any way.
Another Polish flexi has the live version sung by Sandie Shaw herself at the contest (Pocztówka Dźwiękowa 020) with the German entry Anoushka in it's live version (by Inge Brück) as a second track.
The original studio version by Sandie Shaw is Pocztówka Dźwiękowa 14.
Polish flexi's, especially the fancy ones, are a joy to collect, but they should be played on an prehistoric recordplayer with a stylus the size of a ballpoint.

Marionetka can be found on the CDs Platinowa Kolekcija (Platinum Collection) and Złota kolekcja - Od nocy do nocy.
Another version in The Year Of The Puppet. Puppet on a string is 40. Check this Eurocovers post for all info and many more versions.